The MMA Wilayah Persekutuan Office Bearers are elected annually during the MMA Wilayah Persekutuan Annual General Meeting. The MAM Wilayah Persekutuan AGM is held not less than two (2) months before the MMA National AGM. However, the committee members shall only take office after the MMA National AGM and shall hold office until the next MMA National AGM.

Composition of the MMA Wilayah Persekutuan committee:

The MMA Wilayah Persekutuan committee is composed of the following officers:

  1. Chairman
  2. Vice-Chairman
  3. Branch Honorary Secretary
  4. Branch Honorary Treasurer
  5. SCHOMOS Representative
  6. PPS Representative
  7. and not more than five (5) other members

The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Branch Honorary Secretary and Branch Honorary Treasurer shall hold office for not more than two (2) consecutive terms, and they are the Principal Office Bearers (POB) of the Branch.

Current Year Office Bearers

Dr Selvarajah a/l SathayaChairman
Kol Dr Gnanamalar a/p GnanasundramVice Chairman
Dr Eratha Krishnan GobinadanHonorary Secretary
Dr Gokilavani SekarchandranHonorary Treasurer
Dr Manohar BendiahPPS Representative
Dr Muhammad Yusof SibertSCHOMOS Representative
Dr Saravanan SanthirarajanCommittee Member
Prof Dr Victor HoeCommittee Member
Dr Hardip Singh GendehCommittee Member
Dr Thuraikumar KanniahCommittee Member
Dr Mohd Basil SulaimanCommittee Member
Dr Renuka GunasagaranCo-Opt Committee Member

List of Office Bearers