To be eligible as a member of the MMA Wilayah Persekutuan, you must first be a member of the Malaysian Medical Association. All members of the MMA are allowed to select the MMA branch that you want to be associated with based on their place of work or residence. During the application to join MMA, you need to indicate in the application form of the MMA Branch you want to be associated with. Any change in the membership status in a branch should be notified in writing to the Honorary General Secretary before the 28th of February of that year. Any notification after that date shall take effect from the 1st of January of the following year.

MMA Membership

The types of membership of the MMA are:

Honorary Membership
The Association may confer Honorary Membership on those people who, whether or not registered in the Medical Register, have done exceptional work in the fields of Medicine or allied science or have rendered meritorious service in the cause of Medicine and associated sciences or to this Associaiton.
Life Membership
Life Membership of the Association shall be opened to Ordinary Members who are fully registered in the Register kept by the Registrar of Medical Practitioners, and who in place of annual subscription to the Association, shall have contributed to the Capital of the MMA Special Savings (Life Investment) Fund established by the Association, an amount determined by the Annual General Meeting from time to time. The annual income generated by investment of the Accumulated Capital contributions of each member to the Fund shall be irrevocably assigned in perpetuity by the contributor to the Council of the Association to disburse as it deems fit.
Ordinary Membership
Ordinary Membership shall be opened to every medical practitioner whether registered or provisionally registered or conditionally registered in the Register kept by the Registrar of Medical Practitioners and those terms shall have the meaning assigned to them by the Medical Registration Ordinance currently in force. Failure of provisionally or conditionally registered members to complete the housemanship and be fully registered within the 3-year period, will result in their membership being terminated.
Overseas Membership
Overseas Membership shall be opened to a registered medical practitioner whose permanent residence is outside Malaysia.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership shall be opened to paramedical personnel who being qualified in their profession legally practise in Malaysia.
Student Membership
Student Membership shall be opened to:

  1. registered medical students who are citizens of Malaysia and who are undergraduates in any medical school recognised by the Malaysian Medical COuncil; and/or
  2. registered foreign medical students who are undergraduates in any medical school in Malaysia recognised by the Malaysian Medical Council provided that no local University or University College students shall be admitted as a member without the prior written approval of the Vice-Chancellor concerned.
Exempt Membership
Exempt Membership shall be open to medical practitioners who have been Ordinary Members in good standing of at least 20 years and have attained the age of 65 years.


The Section Concerning House Officers, Medical Officers and Specialists (SCHOMOS) serves as a vital consultative body to the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by doctors in the public sector. This dedicated platform ensures that the voices of these healthcare professionals are heard and valued.

MMA Wilayah Persekutuan’s SCHOMOS Section

Within the MMA Wilayah Persekutuan, a State SCHOMOS Section has been established to cater specifically to the interests of all SCHOMOS members. This section is led by a representative elected during the MMA Wilayah Persekutuan’s Annual General Meeting, ensuring that leadership is chosen by and for the members.

Membership and Inclusivity

All MMA members employed in the public sector are automatically part of SCHOMOS, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose among these dedicated healthcare professionals. This inclusive approach ensures that every voice counts, contributing to a stronger, more unified front in advocating for the welfare and professional development of public sector doctors.


The Private Practitioners Section of the Malaysian Medical Association (PPSMMA) is a dedicated platform that represents the interests and aspirations of private medical practitioners across Malaysia. Established in 1961 as the General Medical Practitioners Section, it was later renamed to reflect its broader scope in supporting private practitioners.

MMA Wilayah Persekutuan’s PPSMMA Section

Within the MMA Wilayah Persekutuan, the PPSMMA Section plays a crucial role in addressing local issues specific to private practitioners in the Federal Territory. This section is led by a representative elected during the MMA Wilayah Persekutuan’s Annual General Meeting, ensuring that leadership is chosen by and for the members.

Membership and Inclusivity

Membership in the PPS MMA is open to all MMA members engaged in private practice. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of community among private practitioners, ensuring that their voices are heard and valued within the broader medical profession.

Junior Doctor Network (JDN)

The Malaysian Medical Association-Junior Doctors Network (MMA-JDN) is a dedicated platform for junior doctors in Malaysia. Established in 2022, it aims to address the unique challenges faced by junior doctors in both public and private sectors. Junior doctors is defined as those within 10 years of their medical graduation or undergoing postgraduate training

Mission and Objectives

MMA-JDN focuses on:

  • Representation: Providing a unified voice for junior doctors.
  • Professional Development: Offering opportunities for career advancement and education.
  • Advocacy: Promoting fair treatment and work-life balance.

Membership and Inclusivity

Membership is open to all junior doctors within the MMA, fostering a strong collective voice in shaping healthcare in Malaysia.